The Tropicana 5-star campsite in Saint-Jean-de-Monts (Vendée / 85)
Randonnée en Vendée Saint-Jean-de-Monts | Le Tropicana

The most beautiful hiking trails in the Vendée

Are you looking for the most beautiful hikes to do in Vendée? Look no further: The Tropicana gives you all the answers!

The Vendée is full of stunning natural landscapes, to be discovered at all costs.

During your holidays with family or friends, have you planned to go hiking during the week?

Between two days at the beach, to recharge your batteries far from the tourist bustle, and discover all the natural beauty that the Vendée has to offer…

Hiking in the Vendée is a passion, almost a reason for living for many locals!

So if you’re wondering what to do in Vendée , the answer is simple: take the time to do some hiking.

Only downside: there are a lot of possible hikes in the Vendée. So how do you find the trail that you really like, and that suits what you are looking for?

The Tropicana, your family campsite, presents the most beautiful hiking trails to do in Vendée during your holidays!

The Sentier du Littoral: the essential coastal hike

First of all, the coastal path is a hike not to be missed.


The Vendée coastal path is a spectacular coastal path that runs along the Atlantic Ocean for approximately 150 km.


It offers breathtaking views of the sea, dunes, beaches and cliffs of the Vendée coast.


Hikers can enjoy the many coves and bays, quaint little fishing ports , lighthouses and historic fortifications along the trail.


So of course, we do not advise you to do the 150 km of trail: choose the plot that is closest to your accommodation, and put on your best walking shoes !

The Marais Breton: hiking in the heart of nature

Have you ever taken the time to study the fauna and flora of a Vendée marsh? No ? Now is the time!


The Marais Breton is a one-of-a-kind hiking spot . This vast wetland area of more than 45,000 hectares offers marked trails that wind through meadows, marshes, canals and ponds.


You can discover it on foot or by kayak, according to your preferences. In any case, it is an opportunity to meet a wide variety of animal and plant species, as well as typical villages and historical sites.


Something to delight young and old during a walk in the cool!

The Pays-de-Monts national forest

Impossible to talk about hiking in Vendée without mentioning the superb national forest of Pays-de-Monts.


The Pays de Monts forest trail is a hike in the heart of nature in one of the most beautiful forests in the Vendée.


The marked route offers panoramic views of hills, ponds and streams, as well as historical sites such as dolmens and castles.


In addition to mingling with the surrounding nature, you take the time to retrace the history of the Pays-de-Monts, immersing yourself in authentic landscapes.


You can also take advantage of the many facilities on the course, such as picnic areas and children’s play areas.

The Dunes Trail

What could be better than walking on the sand dunes for a few hours, to savor your holidays in Vendée?


The Dunes Trail (as the name suggests) meanders through sand dunes, offering panoramic views of the ocean and surrounding coastline.


Unique plants and animals await you in this protected space that you have to see at least once in your life.

The Aeolus trail

Simpler and quieter, the Éole trail has everything you need to please young and old alike.


For 5 km (about 2h30), you walk along the seaside, the forest or the dunes, on a path that does not climb too much.

The Valley of Life trail

Finally, take a breath of fresh air with the Valley of Life trail!


This refreshing hike is along the Vie River.


The trail offers spectacular views of the forested hills and limestone cliffs that surround the valley, as well as the cascading waterfalls and rapids along the river.


Located a little further inland, it is an opportunity to discover the Vendée from different angles.


To discover all that the Vendée has to offer, book an unforgettable stay at the Tropicana!


>>>Read also: The Tropicana, a campsite in Saint-Jean-de-Monts with lots of activities in the surroundings


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Better inform yourself. Better to book. Better travel



For any request, you can contact the reception who will be happy to provide you with information at the following times :

9 am-12pm / 2 pm-6pm in low season

(from April 13 to July 3, 2020 and from August 30 to September 20, 2020)

9 am-1pm / 2 pm-7pm in high season

(July 4 to August 29, 2020)

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