The Tropicana 5-star campsite in Saint-Jean-de-Monts (Vendée / 85)
What to do in Vendée in spring | The Tropicana

Must-do experiences in spring in Vendée

Between the good weather and the chirping of birds, you always have to wonder what to do in Vendée in the spring. Unparalleled activities!

Among all the regions of France, the Vendée is a real little treasure!

Whether it’s the activities you can enjoy all year round or the warm welcome of the locals, this is a little gem. A dream destination for a stay with family or friends.

If you are wondering what to do in Vendée in the spring, this article is for you! Just as we can wonder about when to visit the Vendée, it is a question that deserves an answer.

The Tropicana, your campsite in Saint-Jean-de-Monts, presents all the beauties of the Vendée in the spring.

The Vendée in spring

The Vendée is beautiful in all seasons, that’s a fact.


But it is particularly spring that brings out its natural beauty. The birds are starting to sing again, the flowers and trees are budding all around, and the summer scents are reappearing.


This is the ideal season to take a walk, enjoy the rising sun and discover a nature that is awakening after many months of hibernation .


Whether you are only spending a few days in the Vendée or you are going away for a whole week with your friends and family, the Vendée in the spring is full of activities !


For all ages, young and old, for sports or leisure enthusiasts, there is something for everyone.


Discover all the activities that the Vendée has to offer in the spring.


Also read: 7 ideas for enjoying the beach in spring

Organized trails

The first increasingly popular activity in the Vendée are organized trails.


Indeed, with the beautiful days coming back and the sun rising, many associations and town halls are working together to develop organized trails.


Each trail has its purpose: whether it’s introducing the little ones to nature or taking the older ones to a sublime viewpoint , the organized trails are perfect for spending an afternoon away from it all!


You walk following the playful indications , you stop from time to time to show something to the children, and you enjoy the lush surrounding nature.


The perfect compromise, since there are more or less long trails for all ages. Even for the little ones!

Activities for all ages

In a less “natural” way, the Vendée is full of outdoor activities designed for young and old.


For example, have you thought about taking your children for mini golf ? Or karting ? These are very nice activities and allow you to have a great time with your family.


And even with your friends: create competition , and savor this timeless moment with your loved ones.


In a less organized but just as safe way, why not go hiking ? The Vendée is full of small , adorable natural paths that lead to superb places , only accessible on foot.


So you can take a backpack, a picnic and go for the day. Or you can simply go for an afternoon walk : don’t forget to provide water for everyone!


But in the Vendée, hikes are not only done on foot.


Thanks to the many cycle paths , you can also take your bike to discover the Vendée at full speed.


Horseback riding is also very popular, to the delight of the little ones.

Nautical activities

Finally, the Vendée would not be the Vendée in the spring without the return of nautical activities !


Even if the water is still a little cool, it’s an opportunity to discover jet skiing , parasailing or kitesurfing , in ideal conditions.

What to do in Vendée in spring | The Tropicana


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Better inform yourself. Better to book. Better travel



For any request, you can contact the reception who will be happy to provide you with information at the following times :

9 am-12pm / 2 pm-6pm in low season

(from April 13 to July 3, 2020 and from August 30 to September 20, 2020)

9 am-1pm / 2 pm-7pm in high season

(July 4 to August 29, 2020)

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