The Tropicana 5-star campsite in Saint-Jean-de-Monts (Vendée / 85)
When to go on holiday in Vendée | The Tropicana

When should you go on holiday in Vendée?

Going on holiday in the Vendée is an option of choice. You enjoy sublime landscapes, and you discover a sublime Vendée with 4 seasons.

The Vendée is a privileged vacation spot. It is a place where, every year, thousands of tourists decide to set sail.

They book an unforgettable stay at a campsite, and set out to conquer the natural beauty that the Vendée has to offer! If you too want to experience an unmissable holiday with family or friends, you may be wondering when to go on holiday in Vendée.

The Tropicana helps you choose a campsite in Saint-Jean-de-Monts for your tourist stays. But also to have a transversal vision of all the activities that the Vendée has to offer!

In winter

Winter is often a season when you need to see other things. Staying too long in the same place, not moving… We experience the cold , the falling temperatures, the sky which is far too gray to keep our spirits up.


It’s the perfect season to take a vacation away from it all! And in this season, the Vendée is a department that should not be forgotten.


In winter, there are very few tourists in Vendée. Thanks to this limited exodus, you can discover the true face of the whole department, in its natural state .


The forests are quiet, the beaches are empty… But nature is still as beautiful and as present.


You can walk in the forests or along the paths, and come to admire the beauty of the sea in winter. The waves are unleashed in an absolutely sublime spectacle.


It is also the season for hot chocolate and cultural discovery of the Vendée: walks in towns and museums are waiting for you.


Read also: Top 10 winter walks in Vendée

In spring

Spring is the season of renewal, and one of the most beautiful in Vendée . Simply because the birds are returning, the sun is brightening and the heat is returning.


You can admire the fauna and flora that wake up after a few months of sleep, in an incredible natural ballet.


And as it is outside the high periods, there are very few tourists ! You therefore benefit from a very pleasant light heat without the noise and omnipresence of other tourists.


It’s a sublime season for sporting and natural discoveries, but also for resuming idleness by the sea.


Because in Vendée, the sun makes it a point of honor to shine with a certain intensity.


Read also: Must-do experiences in spring in Vendée

In summer

How can we talk about holidays in Vendée without talking about summer? This beautiful time, when the sun shines high in the sky and when all the families are on vacation! This is one of the perfect times to go on a trip to Vendée.


Between beautiful landscapes, soothing warmth, calm sea and fine sandy beach, the Vendée is a department of choice for summer holidays.


You can choose a campsite near a seaside town or in a slightly more remote location, and enjoy an increased change of scenery.

In autumn

Finally, autumn is an absolutely magnificent time in the Vendée. The Vendée has many forests and many trees , which are dressed in incandescent colors.


The leaves turn red, orange and yellow, fall little by little from the trees… It’s a truly sublime moment, with an ambient poetry that you never tire of.


A real must if you want to get away from it all, away from the crowds and towards a warm and quiet environment .


You can then choose a comfortable campsite, fully equipped for young and old. The Tropicana welcomes you for all your stays with family and friends . Come and discover the joys of the Vendée!

When to go on holiday in Vendée | The Tropicana


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Better inform yourself. Better to book. Better travel



For any request, you can contact the reception who will be happy to provide you with information at the following times :

9 am-12pm / 2 pm-6pm in low season

(from April 13 to July 3, 2020 and from August 30 to September 20, 2020)

9 am-1pm / 2 pm-7pm in high season

(July 4 to August 29, 2020)

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